Ensiled forage crops are the cornerstone of ruminant nutrition, providing the majority of the ration in high-producing herds. Preserving forage crops through ensiling offers a valuable way of maximizing nutrient retention and providing consistent year-round feedstuffs. Effective management, including the use of proven inoculants to manage the ensiling process at the microbiological level, safeguards your investment, maximizes time and resources, and is critical for optimizing your bottom line.
The goal of ensiling forage crops is to preserve as much dry matter (DM) and nutrients as possible, from the field to feedout. Production of high-quality silage involves winning a war fought on a microscopic level between the “armies” of microbes that occur naturally.
Forage inoculants help by reinforcing the beneficial bacteria in this fight. These products mostly contain lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that provide an efficient front-end fermentation to maintain feed quality and hygiene. During ensiling, LAB convert simple sugars into organic acids, primarily lactic acid. This is key in an effective fermentation process, to bring down the pH quickly, and drive maximum DM and nutrient retention, by inhibiting the growth of undesirable, wasteful microbes, including clostridia, enterobacteria, bacilli, yeast and molds.
Inoculants contain specific strains of LAB, ideally selected for and proven to address the two major challenges in silages: driving the ensiling fermentation (homolactic LAB) and enhancing aerobic (feedout) stability by producing controlled levels of spoilage-preventing products, e.g., acetic acid.
Dyna-Sile™ is an advanced silage additive for the quality production of alfalfa, grass, corn and high moisture grain silages.
Dyna-Sile™ includes enzyme agents that are used to improve the fermentation and preservation of corn, high moisture corn and cereal grain silages. Dyna-Sile™ can accelerate the production of lactic acid producing bacteria present in the silage mass.
Dyna-Sile™ accelerates the production of lactic acid producing bacteria present in the silage mass which promotes:
Higher Fermentation Acid Content
Conserved Feed Energy
Preserved Nutrient Value
Reduced Heating
Increased Feed Value
Improved Palatability
Longer bunk life
Dyna-Sile™ introduces silage specific enzymes, metabolites and antioxidants that both enhance the primary fermentation process and controls the negative secondary fermentation process to create exceptional silage qualities.
This dual function gives Dyna-Sile™ a wider window of effectiveness than any other silage additive.
Dyna-Sile™ is most effective when applied as forage is being harvested. There is no mixing or diluting requited - simply fill the applicator tank installed directly on the chopper and you are ready to go.