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Benefits of ProCrypt™ in Pre-Calving Programs

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

Cryptosporidium and Coccidiosis

Two protozoal pathogens, Cryptosporidium and Coccidiosis have been affecting cattle producers in many parts of the country. Concentration levels of these pathogens in the environment can be extremely high especially in areas infected cattle congregate and oocysts are shed into the environment in the manure. Infection of young calves is a common issue and can lead to severe health issues and high mortality if the calves have not acquired natural immunity.

The first line of defense against pathogenic infection is a strong immune function in mother cows. Implementation of a good nutritional program that supports high antibody levels in colostrum at calving time will help protect the newborn calves from ineffective pathogens. When treatment becomes necessary, use a high-quality oral electrolyte product that corrects metabolic acidosis and hydrates the scouring calf as quickly as possible.

Pre-Calving Program for Cryptosporidium and Coccidiosis

Newborn calves get infected at birth from fecal material on their mother and contaminated environment. To best control Cryptosporidium and Coccidiosis, a pre-calving program should be initiated at least 60 days prior to calving with a focus on maintaining the concentration of infective pathogen as possible. ProCrypt fed at the rate of 10 grams per head per day, 60 days prior to calving can “clean-up” the mother cows and help maintain a lower pathogen load to the newborn calf. In addition, research on ProCrypt has shown Improvement in quality and quantity of colostrum; 12-15% higher IgG's with >9% increase in volume of colostrum. Continue feeding ProCrypt for 30 after calving to allow the calf’s natural immune system to fully develop.

12%-15% Higher IgG in Colostrum

Benefits of ProCrypt™:

· 12%-15% higher IgG level in colostrum

· Impacts oocyst development and shedding by interrupting the life cycle during the sporulation stage of reproduction

· Impacts pathogen load by inhibition of their communication (“quorum sensing”) and food deprivation

· Affects pathogen attachment in the intestine reducing toxin production and inflammation

· Maintains mucosal and crypt protection and tight junctions of intestinal villi and reduces “leaky gut”

ProCrypt™ is an OMRI certified feed additive from selected chestnut wood (Castanea Sativa) that supports the health of animals.

ProCrypt™ provides a diversity of bioactive polyphenols providing optimum use and absorption of nutrients and maintenance of a strong immune system.

ProCrypt™ can be used in all livestock species and is safe for the environment.

ProCrypt™ Provides Value Added Benefits

· Protection of young calves through optimum IgG levels in colostrum

· Maintenance of a low pathogen load by aiding in the maintenance of healthy intestinal tissue and action of selective astringent properties

· Broad spectrum protection:

o Protozoa - Cryptosporidium and Coccidiosis

o Bacteria - E. Coli, Salmonella, and Clostridia

o Virus - Rotavirus and Coronavirus

· Maintains intestinal integrity – aids in prevention of leaky gut in the small intestine

· Maintains optimum liver health and function – high antioxidant qualities and helps regulate rumen pH to prevent acidosis and development of liver abscesses

· Promotes good rumen function – Optimum feed efficiency and nutrient intake levels promote growth, production, and animal health

· No withdrawal issues – usage at any stage of production

· Heat stable to over 300F – feed processing is no issue

The Next Generation Of Animal Health!

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